Gmod E2 Roulette
Dec 16th, 2015
Skin Mods, Maps, Tutorials, Sprays, GUI Mods, Map Prefabs, Works In Progress, Sound Mods, Effect Mods and more for video games. Seems most of their E2's require prerequisite addons additional too E2. You'd think CrishNate would save themselves the trouble by just putting something in the description or an annotation. I strongly recommend you follow febcad's strong recommendation and choose another route of learning E2. Minimum deposit of £10, x45 wagering, Roulette & Blackjack 50% weighting. Bonus valid for 7 days. Not available to customers using Moneybookers/Skrill or Neteller as a payment casino e2 gmod method. Full T&Cs apply.
Gmod E2 Roulette Hack
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- @inputs
- @persist Cl_Commands:table Commands:table Data:table Timers:table Chat_Buffer:array Log_Loop Loop_I
- # Code by Hell Fire
- if(first())
- runOnChat(1)
- Commands['!clear',string]='removeLeaveban'
- Commands['!rape',string]='addRape', Timers['rapeClk',string]='rape'
- Commands['!unrapeall',string]='unRapeAll'
- Commands['!mslay',string]='mslay'
- Cl_Commands['/calladmin',string]='cl_cmd_calladmin'
- entity():propNotSolid(1)
- function cl_cmd_calladmin(Args:array)
- concmd('ulx goto '+lastSpoke():name())
- {
- timer('LOG',100)
- {
- {
- {
- }
- }
- function table:tableSortTo(T:table)
- for(I=1,This:count()+1)
- # check for unused indexes
- {
- break
- }
- {
- for(I=1,Args:count())
- if(findPlayerByName(Args:string(I)):isAlive())
- concmd('ulx sslay '+Args:string(I))
- }
- {
- if(Ply:isPlayer())
- print(Ply:name()+' is being raped!')
- A:pushString(Args:string(1))
- Data['target',entity]= Ply
- }else{ print('Invalid Argument')}
- {
- for(I=1,Data['rapeClk',array]:count())
- local G = Data['rapeClk',array][I,string]
- {
- print(findPlayerByName(Args:string(1)):name()+' has been unraped!')
- }
- }
- function unRapeAll(Args:array)
- print(owner():name()+' unraped everyone!')
- }
- {
- {
- {
- print(This[I,table]['name',string]+' has been removed from the leave ban list.')
- }
- }
- function table:ban()
- if(!This['banned',number])
- concmd('ulx banid '+This['steamID',string]+' 0 '+This['reason',string])
- }
- {
- for(I=1,Data:count()+1)
- local G = Data[I,table]['name',string]:lower()
- {
- print(Data[I,table]['name',string]+' has been unbanned.')
- concmd('ulx unban '+ SID)
- }
- }
- function leaveban(Args:array)
- # local variables
- local Reason ='
- Info['target',entity]= Target
- {
- for(I=2,Args:count()){ Reason += Args:string(I)+' '}
- Info['reason',string]= Reason
- local Name = Target:name(), Info['name',string]= Name
- local Steam = Target:steamID(), Info['steamID',string]= Steam
- print('Target selected: '+Name+' SteamID: '+Steam+')
- concmd('ulx asay I have locked in '+Name+' with leaveban for reason '+Reason)
- }
- {
- {
- if(!This[I,table]['target',entity]:isValid()&This[I,table]['name',string])
- This[I,table]:ban()
- }
- {
- Data:removeInfo(Target:steamID())
- {
- Data = table()
- }
- }
- interval(5000)
- Data:isAnyValid()
- if(Log_Loop & clk('LOG'))
- timer('LOG',100)
- print(Chat_Buffer[Loop_I,string])
- if(Loop_I > Chat_Buffer:count())
- Loop_I =0
- }
- {
- local Name = lastSpoke():name()
- {
- }
- Chat_Buffer:pushString(time('hour')+':'+time('min')+':'+time('sec')+' ['+Ply:steamID()+'] '+Name+': '+lastSpoke():lastSaid())
- }
- if(chatClk(owner()))
- # String to array
- if(Commands:exists(Str[1,string]))
- hideChat(1)
- Commands[Str:removeString(1),string](Str)
- }
- # Check clk trigger
- {
- {
- Timers[clkName(),string](Data[clkName(),array])
- }